By Solaris - Aug 2019

Protect your Investment

This time, we want to share important information with you.

We have detected fraudulent companies contacting some of our members trying to “buy” or “sell” a membership on behalf of Club Solaris, this with the aim of stealing their money.

There are many fraudulent companies that are dedicated to swindling people through different techniques such as impersonating hotels, communication companies, banks, among others.

Their way of operate is to trick people in order to get into their bank accounts or to get a money transfer.

It is very important not to provide them with any information neither transfer any amount of money, if you have any doubts about the origin of that call or email.

This fraudulent companies operate under different names that change constantly.

The ones we have recently detected are the following:

- NBC (Network Brokerage Corporation) [NBC Real State]

- Blue Light Management

- Black Diamond

You can help us keep others safe!

If you receive a phone call or an email from any of these companies or any other trying to sell or buy your membership, please inform us as soon as possible at the following telephone numbers:

FROM USA / CAN: +1 855 444 6765      FROM MEXICO: +1 800 727 5737      WORLDWIDE: +52 (998) 800 1352

Your help is truly appreciated to prevent this situations, you can help us by informing your friends, this way we can maintain our loved ones protected from these fraudulent companies from trying to fulfill their objective.


What's happening